News 6 Compelling Reasons to Implement Flex Office 6 Compelling Reasons to Implement Flex Office 25 August 2023 Hybrid work has now become the standard for nearly all businesses. For some, the number of telecommuting days offered upon hiring has become almost as crucial as the salary itself. Among its benefits, this work mode allows companies to reorganize their spaces and transform their offices. As a result, some are turning to the concept of a flex office. And perhaps you should consider it too! This article presents several arguments in favor of this approach. What is Flex Office? With telecommuting now the norm, a significant number of desks remain unoccupied for several days a week. The concept of a flex office is straightforward: it involves reducing the number of desks not based on the total number of employees in the company but rather on the number of those physically present at the office on a typical day. Dedicated desks are a thing of the past. Say hello to mobile and shared workstations. Every employee can now choose where to sit during their office presence. While this adjustment may seem somewhat restrictive, it offers numerous business advantages! Of course, properly preparing teams for this substantial change and providing them with suitable solutions to streamline their daily routines is crucial. A desk reservation or flex office software is essential to enable all teams to best prepare for their office visits and ensure they have available and tailored spaces according to their daily needs. Opt for user-friendly solutions for everyone, as the primary goal is to simplify the daily routine for your collaborators and save them time during their office hours. Moreover, all IT tools must also align with these new collaborative methods. In this article : 1. Reduced Real Estate Costs 2. Environmental Impact Reduction 3. Enhanced Quality of Work Life 4. Strengthened Employer Brand Image 5. Addressing Employees' Real Needs 6. Improved Productivity 1. Reduced Real Estate Costs With business trips, vacations, potential sick leaves, and now telecommuting multiple times a week, the occupancy rate of a dedicated desk rarely exceeds 60%. This translates to 40% of the time when desks remain unused! A substantial loss for companies, given that real estate expenses make up a significant portion of operating costs. Adopting a flex office organization and offering shared workstations allows for adjusting the number of available workstations to the actual number of employees physically present in the company at a given time. Thus, there will be fewer workstations than employees. Consequently, a smaller office space will be required. A study by BNP Paribas Real Estate reveals that over 60% of French companies have revised their lease contracts, focusing on reducing workspace to lower real estate costs. 2. Reducing Environmental Impact Less space means lower energy consumption. With a smaller area to heat, cool, light up, and maintain, the costs may decrease, but more importantly, the environmental impact diminishes significantly. In an era where ecological concerns take center stage and represent a significant challenge for many companies, this change can be justified by a committed CSR approach. Let's not forget that offering telecommuting days to your employees also contributes to these efforts by reducing daily commutes and, thus, carbon emissions. Opt for a Software Dedicated to Flex Office With Meeting4Display, a workspace reservation solution, you can effortlessly search and find the suitable space for you – whether it's a flex office desk or a meeting room. Reserve with just one click, whether on-site, telecommuting or on the go. Discover the software 3. Enhanced Quality of Work Life Flex office, sometimes met with initial resistance from employees, can harmonize with a sense of well-being at work. The key is anticipating the transition, guiding your teams through the change, and equipping them with the right tools to simplify their daily routines. Most companies that embrace shared workspaces and thus reduce real estate costs benefit from this change and its resulting savings to revamp their office equipment. Ultimately, it leads to an improved Quality of Work Life (QWL) for everyone! The concept of "having a better office than..." is eliminated since everyone is now on the same level. Autonomy fosters better fulfillment. Employees can change their workspace during the day based on their preferences or projects. Tailored spaces meet real needs: collaborative workspaces, more private areas with dedicated call zones, often more spacious and well-equipped meeting rooms, redesigned break areas, and more. The services provided are modernized and designed to facilitate this flexibility. The facilities are updated, the design is meticulous, and the technology is often cutting-edge. The monotonous routine of the traditional office is now a thing of the past! 4. Strengthening Employer Brand Image This newfound well-being is a compelling argument not only for recruitment but also for retaining your employees. Flexible workspaces, especially when designed with a friendly atmosphere, resonate with the younger generations! It also portrays a positive image of the company and its management, instilling a sense of trust in employees while emphasizing the autonomy granted to each individual. 5. Meeting Real Collaborator Needs Belonging to the communication team doesn't mean you never interact with the marketing product managers or the HR manager looking to revamp internal communication. In a traditional office setup, these topics are typically addressed in dedicated meetings, organized in conference rooms, or via less direct emails. A flex office arrangement allows you to sit alongside product managers or the HR team for the few days you work on shared projects. It enhances collaboration! Overall, flex office encourages a more horizontal organization, whereas traditional offices often see a vertical hierarchical structure imposed naturally. Flex office empowers and provides excellent room for individual creativity! 6. Enhancing Productivity through Flex Office Offering employees the opportunity to sit beside those they collaborate with serves more than just well-being. Far from it. The facilitated interactions that result greatly enhance collaborative work and individual productivity. Information flows more freely through the numerous exchanges these new shared spaces provoke, as people generally choose their neighbors based on ongoing projects. Additionally, it's common to seek a quieter workspace. Flex office also sparks new connections or exchanges that wouldn't happen in a more traditional setup. This new organization fosters a dynamic work environment conducive to more exchanges, ultimately boosting individual productivity and positively impacting the company's bottom line. Planning an Office Redesign Project? Contact us to discuss it. height="825px" width="1200px"style="border:0px #ffffff none;" << Previous Next >> share this post : Share the post "6 Compelling Reasons to Implement Flex Office" FacebookLinkedInXEmail Related Posts Workspace Management Room Booking Software: How Does It Work? What is Room Booking Software?Room booking software is a dedicated solution for managing reservations of workspaces such as meeting rooms or shared offices. Its primary goal is to simplify […] See more Device Management How to digitalize your workspaces? Whatever the industry, work habits are constantly changing. And this is all the more true over the last decade. Workspaces are today becoming increasingly digital. And it’s not […] See more Workspace Management What is hybrid work? 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