15 February 2021

Application Mobile Affichage dynamiqueMedia4Display, digital signage software, now has its own mobile application. Through the application, supervise your network of players and trigger actions wherever you are, directly from your mobile browser.


The application, compatible with all iOS or Android smartphones, accessible to users via the same secure login details as the Media4Display web interface.






Application Digital SignageSupervise your screens in real time from your smartphone

With the Media4Display application, administrators and local contributors (store managers, agencies…) have an overview of their network of screens directly from their mobile device.


The status of all players is visible on the application dashboard (compliance, synchronization, content update…). You can instantly check the content currently being broadcast thanks to the screen shot function, and request a refresh at any time.

Application Media4display

Trigger actions on your Windows and Android devices

Via the Media4Display application, administrators have an overview of their Windows and Android devices. They can therefore launch actions: synchronizerestart the softwarereboot the playeractivate/deactivate the player license….





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