Sergent Major - Digitizing sales outlets thanks to Clyd


The GPE Group (Groupe Générale Pour l’Enfant) is a major player in children’s fashion and babywear. The three brands of the group – SERGENT MAJOR, NATALYS and DU PAREIL AU MÊME – comprise more than 1,000 shops worldwide, including 600 in France.


GPE Group’s IT manager chose Telelogos solutions CLYD and MediaContact to remotely manage in-shop tablets, as well as administer and synchronize POS systems


Devanture Sergent Major client Telelogos

Enterprise Mobility Management: 600 tablets managed with CLYD


More than 600 Honeywell tablets were deployed in shops to assist salespeople, manage discounts, receive packages and take photos. The IT department uses CLYD for the remote administration of fleet devices via a simple web interface.


Accessible through any Internet browser, the solution enables technical teams to keep the entire fleet operational using functions such as monitoring, remote distribution, etc. They can also view the status of the fleet using customizable dashboards. The kiosk function integrated into the software ensures security by preventing any given device from accessing apps that have not been authorized by the IT manager.


Synchronizing POS Systems and business data: over 800 POS Systems administered with MediaContact.


The synchronization of 800 cash registers and business data is achieved using MediaContact. The solution ensures the automation and security of all data exchanges between each point of sale and the central back office.


MediaContact a apporté à la Direction Informatique, des moyens performants de résolution rapide des problèmes courants d’exploitation :

« Le 1er jour des soldes d’été, suite à une panne des serveurs de traitement des cartes bancaires à Londres, il a fallu changer l’adresse IP de ces serveurs dans l’ensemble de nos TPV. Un processus MediaContact a permis en moins de dix minutes d’effectuer la mise à jour de ces adresses dans l’ensemble de notre réseau », indique, à titre d’exemple Madame Sylviane Colin, responsable informatique magasins.

Schéma d'explication du fonctionnement d'un MDM


A single platform for managing all payment devices

The solutions for Enterprise Mobility Management (CLYD) and POS System management and synchronization (MediaContact) are connected to the same technical platform: MediaContact backoffice. The powerful platform provides the necessary tools to manage all point of sales devices (POS, tablets, smartphones, devices, screens…) on a single technical infrastructure.






Sylviane Colin,
Shop IT manager, GPE


« CLYD and MediaContact are competitive high-tech, quality software developed in France. They are particularly suited to my work digitizing the group’s entire network of shops. It’s a unique tool which provides us with all the services we need: secure and automated synchronization of business data, administration of apps and payment devices, and management of tablets and mobile devices.»

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